I am Janet, a 49-year-old Registered Nurse from Georgia, For way too many years I have resented how my pregnancies with my two children destroyed my waistline.
Yes, I'm ashamed to say it …but afterwards my stubborn belly and hips stayed flabby and bulging for over THREE DECADES.
All the foods I loved like cakes, biscuits, ice cream, and hot chips, I had to give up while spending money on fad diets, wonder pills, fitness classes and COUNTLESS hours at the gym. In the end I only dropped a few pounds.
Frustrated and puzzled with my results, I lost my motivation and drive, gaining it all back and more. Nothing seemed to work for me!
Was being a mom what I thought it would be? ... taking care of the kids, the household, working, and trying to look after my self squeezing in gym time, absolutely NOT!
Every time I looked in the mirror, Big Jan was staring back at me.
I was depressed, tired, angry, and frustrated, I wanted to be 'the perfect' mom and wife, yet i felt the opposite, i was one big sad mess.
I felt so distant from my children and husband, maybe they didn't want to be around me, maybe they were embarrassed by me?
I certainly didn't feel like the perfect mom and wife.
I was sure my belly was causing the intimacy problems with my husband, and I was imagining him looking at younger women...even though there was no real evidence.
I thought that doing everything for everyone and being the "perfect mom and wife" would fix everything... only to realize one day that I wasn't perfect at all.